Cultivate gratitude.
Practice compassion.
Embrace impermanence.
Welcome to Being Bombu, a site dedicated to my practice and path in Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land) Buddhism. Also known as Shin or simply Pure Land Buddhism, Jodo Shinshu welcomes us as we are - warts and all. Founded 800 years ago in Japan by Shinran Shonin, it is now one of the largest schools of Buddhism in its native country and the world. Just as Amida’s Vow to save all beings does not discriminate, neither does Jodo Shinshu. Our doors are open to all.
I cannot and will not claim to be some kind of authority on or scholar of Jodo Shinshu (or any other kind of) Buddhism. I am just an average person - imperfect, filled with passions, prone to attachments, ignorant of a lot - trying to understand my place and purpose in a world teeming with others just as average as me. Together we are all bombu, and together can we find a way to create a Pure Land of light and life right here on earth. Yes, I believe this is possible!
For the sake of transparency, I should let you all know that I am also a practicing Gnostic Christian. You read that correctly! I proudly draw upon my learning and beliefs there as well and no, I do not find there to be a conflict in my dual practices. In fact, they compliment and support each other. Together, they complete me.
My sincere hope for this site is that it will serve as a source of inspiration for you. It does not matter whether you are a Buddhist, a Christian, follow a different spiritual path, or profess none at all. Let’s face it, we all have to live on this crazy planet together. Our only hope for survival is to find a way to make our myriad interconnections work for us. I am ready to roll up my sleeves if you are!
Finally, if you like what you read here, I hope you’ll consider joining me in the quest to live with gratitude, compassion, and impermanence, and to extend those feelings to everyone and everything around us. In this spirit, I welcome any questions or feedback you may have. Feel free to reach out!
Oh . . . and before I forget . . . Namo Amida Butsu!

Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple