Recommended read: Teresa Shimogawa @ Everyday Buddhist

For many of us who were not raised Buddhist - and especially those of us whose backgrounds were rooted in theistic experiences - getting our heads around the concept of Amida Buddha can be very difficult. In fact, as Teresa Shimogawa notes, the way we hear, see, and experience the way others refer to the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, can be rather triggering. In a wonderful and short piece for the Everyday Buddhist blog, Teresa confronts her own struggle with understanding Amida while trying to “find” herself. She asks, “Can I embrace Amida Buddha in my spiritual journey when it is sometimes referenced as a person? Didn’t I run away from the concept of a god?” Whether you too are running from similar teaching, are trying to reconcile your own accepted theistic beliefs with Jodo Shinshu, or are simply trying to understand what the hubbub is for these outsiders trying to “get” Amida, I highly recommend reading Teresa’s Searching for Amida (Part 1) and following up with her own recommended source for additional study.


Embracing Our Imperfection


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